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Taking action in God's world....

Following our 2021 Lent Group which was all about connecting with the world, members of the Churches in the Welwyn Team wanted to work together to take action, recognising that

  • The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Psalm 24) and that 
  • Connecting with each other both helps us share information and knowledge, and help us be more effective in making things happen.

As a result we are doing a number of things. 

1. On the links below we will curate resources and information to help us all take action (even if that's in a small way). These will continue to develop and change, and we would like more ideas of resources to be added. Please email with any suggestions. We encourage that  these links are shared with our friends who are interested also in making a difference in the world, locally or globally. At the moment these pages are in their early formation, so if anyone would like to help develop them, please get in touch!

2. We have a "Taking Action" WhatsApp Group to share ideas. If you'd like to join please contact us

3. We have other actions which will grow and continue, including reviewing what we already do as churches in the Welwyn Team, having months for particular action and keeping these issues in our prayers. 


God's world: this includes subjects about looking after our environment and the issue of waste. Click here for useful resources and information

Old Begging Woman

God's people: this includes themes around refugees, homelessness, food poverty and modern slavery. Click here for some curated resources

© 2022 St. Mary's Church, Welwyn.

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