Harvest Festival
Do come and join us for our “all ages” Harvest Festival service at 9.30am on Sunday 6th October, or our interactive '40 Minutes' service at 11.15 that morning. Our flower team always does a magnificent job of decorating the church with flowers and harvest produce and it's always a very joyful occasion.
Our special collection this Harvest is for Seeds for Development. This small UK registered charity does excellent work in Northern Uganda and we continue to support them from time-to-time. More details about their work is available here. Cash or cheques payable to ‘Seeds for Development’ will be gratefully received and if you are able to Gift Aid, please use their GA envelopes which you will find in the pews that morning.
We will also be collecting non-perishable foodstuffs for the Whitechapel Mission and details of what they need most is shown here