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We warmly welcome everyone to our Church and strive to be inclusive. If you have specific needs that are not catered for below, please contact us in advance and we will do our best to assist.  


Enabled access

There are a number of disabled car parking spaces in the village car parks and there is good access to the church building with flat, level, pathways from the church gates to the main doors of the church. A small, shallow, ramp from the porch into church is permanently installed. There are specific spaces in church allocated for the use of wheelchairs – please ask a sidesperson on entering the building.


There are steps in the church between the nave and the chancel but there is an alternative route through the choir vestry which can be taken if needed – just ask one of the sidespersons. As a nave altar is used for the 9.30am Eucharist service on Sunday mornings, there is no need to negotiate steps in order to receive communion. The side chapel (the St. Nicholas Chapel), where weekday services are usually held, as well as the 8.00am Eucharist service on a Sunday morning, has one step at its entrance. Please ask if you need help.


There are steps between the Church and Church House where refreshments are served after the Sunday morning service and where the toilets, including a disabled toilet, are located.  However, there is a small, open, lift adjacent to the three steps.  This lift is not suitable for electrically powered wheelchairs as they exceed the weight limit of the lift but there is an external, level pathway that can be used.  Please ask for help in using the lift.


Hearing loop

There is a hearing loop in church which is used for all of our services.  There is also a hearing loop in Church House when a microphone or video is in use.

Livestreaming Services

Many of our services are livestreamed via YouTube.  The camera is located towards the front of the nave and if you do not want to be captured on camera please sit further back.


Large print

We have large print versions of our service sheet, notices and hymn books for those who need them. Please ask for one on your way into the building.


Access at Communion

At various times during services the congregation stand or kneel as indicated in the service booklet. Please remain seated if you find it difficult to stand.


You are welcome to receive Holy Communion from a standing position at the Communion rail if kneeling is difficult.  If you are not able to come to the Communion rail the bread and wine will be brought to you: please let a Sidesperson know before the start of the service. 


Should you require a gluten-free Communion wafer, please advise a Sidesperson before the start of the service



We welcome children to our services and want to ensure that children and parents are comfortable. There are books and colouring packs at the back of the church to keep children entertained if you would prefer that they remain with you in the service. Alternatively, there is a glass enclosed (largely soundproof) church office where you can continue to hear and feel a part of the service if babies want to roll about or stretch their legs (or lungs)!


There are baby changing facilities in Church House (through the double doors) and a carpeted comfortable room with toys.  We operate a crèche and various junior church classes during the 9.30am Eucharist service on a Sunday (with the exception of the first Sunday in the month). Please ask a sidesperson to show you the facilities if you are visiting for the first time.

© 2022 St. Mary's Church, Welwyn.

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