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Please note this is an old website, we are now using this one - for the latest up to date news: CLICKHERE
Welcome to St Mary's! We'd love to meet you.
Find out more about us below, and get in contact at
The church is usually open for private prayer daily from 9.30 am - 3.30 pm.
Our APCM will be on Wednesday 1st May. Eucharist at 7.30pm followed by meeting at 7.55 & 8. Please see booklet of reports and accounts below. Also we need some people to bring a pud...
Christian Aid Triathlon 12-18 May.
please sign up to run, cycle, swim or walk (sheet in church) or sponsor those taking part at

Thinking of getting married or being christened (baptised)? You'd be very welcome! Here's what you need to know....
Find out more about Welwyn St Mary's here: who we are, what we believe, the many ways we worship together and who's who .
Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone at St Mary's: find out about our safeguarding policy and contact information information here

Enjoy listening to music? Find information about our monthly concerts here
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